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The transition maker creates various predefined transitions between
two animations or images also known as "wipes". 
This feature is very useful in conjunction with animation-projects.
It's recommended to install the example-filmstrips which show
two animations (called "A" and "B") and the selected transition
from "A" into "B" (called "A->B") as small animations in the middle
of the Transition-Window. The Filmstrip-Player is implemented as a
background-task at low priority so no cpu-time is wasted.

Because only YAFA-animations can be arranged in animation-projects
only this output-format is supported yet.


Input1         Input animation or image 1
Input2         Input animation or image 2
Output         Output animation (the transition)
Temp           A directory used for the temporary files which will be
               created while rendering
CreateEX       If you have only the small installation of Wildfire without
               transition-filmstrips this button will create them for you.
               To test if you have the example transitions just enable
               the "Example"-option. After that three animations should
               appear in the middle of the window.
               If they doesn't you may create them by pressing the
YAFAOpts       Adjust the YAFA-compressor-options
Preview        Turn preview on/off
Example        Turn example-movies on/off
               Because this features runs at low priority it may be
               always switched on.
Type           Select the main type of transition
Subtype        Select the subtype of the selected transition
CreateTemp     Create the temporary files
               This files have to be generated only once for a pair of
               input-animations. So you can test various transitions very
               The "Convert"-function creates them automatically if necessary.
KillTemp       Deletes all temporary files.
Play           Play the animation-sequence "anim1 - transition - anim2"
Convert        Create the transition